Welcome to Bejpura Primary Teachers' Training Institute
Bejpura Primary Teachers' Training Institute is the premier co-educational B.Ed & D.El.Ed. training institute, located at Vill.-Bejpura, P.O.-Malikan, P.S.-Harishchandrapur, Malda district of West Bengal. The institute was established to fulfil the long felt need of the people of the locality and since then it has been preparing Teacher-Trainees with adequate training in the field of education.
Students come here from all the districts of West Bengal. Modern Facilities, Excellent Faculty Members, Enriched Library makes differences with the other teachers training institute of its kind. The Goal of this institute is to provide qualitative learning experiences to develop the holistic personality of the teacher-trainees.
The institution strives to inculcate among the teacher-trainees the desirable values, attitudes, to develop the skills and creative potentialities. It equips the teacher-trainees with modern trends in education and develops love, affection and concern towards the society.
Recognition / Affiliations

Courses Offered
The Bachelor of Education program, generally known as B.ED, is a professional course that prepares teacher for upper primary and middle level (class VI-VIII), secondary level (classes IX -X) and (XI-XII).Read More
The Diploma in Elementary Education (D. EI. Ed) is a two-year professional programme of teacher education. It aims to prepare a teacher for the elementary stage of education, i.e. classes I to VIII.
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Quick Connect
Vill.-Bejpura, P.O.-Malikan, P.S.-Harishchandrapur, Malda
West Bengal-732123.
Admission Inquiry
Apply now for pre admission on D.EL.Ed & B.Ed courses , at our college. Selection will be done based on eligibility and university rules and procedures.
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